Frequently asked questions: 

·         When is the Make-up class for my child? 

·         What is your studio dress code?

·         What can dance do for my child?

·         What is the benefit from the length of a dance season?

·         How will I know if my child is ready to move on to a different class?

·         Do I need to stay in the studio while my child dances?

·         What are your Lobby/Office Hours?

·         How do I pay my bill?

·         Why do I pay the same tuition monthly, when there are holiday closings?

·         What if my child wants to stop taking dance?



When is the Make-up class for my child? 

Please check HERE for the current class make-up schedule and scroll down to specific dance department.




What is your studio dress code?

Our studio dress code can be found here:  Dress Code




What can dance do for my child?

Early childhood movement education is directly attributed to developing neurological pathways in students and promoting reading readiness.  (Raising-A-Reader, 1999)  Preschool dance prepares students for successful experience in school.  Children who have participated in movement education activities have longer attention spans, communication skills, general problem-solving skills, and improved self-esteem.  "For every $1 spent on children's recreational activities, society saves $4.78 in costs of remedial education, welfare, and crime prevention."  (Federal Committee for Economic Development, 1998).




Dance is a form of art that can become a lifelong passion. The impression the art makes on a child can last a life-time, no matter if a dancer continues to dance or simply becomes a Dance Enthusiast!




What is the benefit from the length of a Dance Season ?

There are specific benefits to a nine/ten month (depending on school year) commitment that cannot be achieved in any short term sport or activity.  Our dance season length allows the children to learn, early in life, to stay focused, learn patience, self-discipline, and finally to appreciate the end results.  These skills are necessary later in life for ...college, work, family etc.  It's true... Dance is Good for the Mind, Body, and Soul.




How will I know if my child is ready to move on to a different class?

Proper class placement is a priority at The Dance Place Ltd., and we will relocate a student if the student's skill and progress dictates doing so.  A Student's personal progress is continually tracked by our faculty and they report to admin for promotions, as well as will do a student evaluation upon request.  Our number one responsibility is to our students and we take our responsibilities seroiusly.




Do I need to stay in the studio while my child dances?

This depends on you and your child. If your child is comfortable with you leaving, then by all means feel free to do so, many parents utilize the time to run errands since we're centrally located on M59.  However, we highly recommend children under 12 years of age, be picked up INSIDE our building.  There is pleanty of parking available and we want what is safest for our students.




What are your lobby/office hours?

Regular Dance Season: ( Sept-mid/June) Our lobby/office hours are Monday through Thursday from 5:00pm to 9:00pm and Saturday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  The Office is CLOSED on Fridays and Sundays.




Summer Hours Vary: The Office is always open during events on our calendar.  However, we are also diligent in responding to email and voice mail.  Please contact us: [email protected] or 248 666-9929.




How do I pay my bill?

You have many options when filling out your registration form.  Option1 is for auto billing. We will charge your credit card the 1st of each month for your balance due and email your receipt if an address is provided.  Option 2 gives you the option to pay your account on or before the 1st of each month at our office.  If payment is not received on or before the due date, The Dance Place Ltd will initiate a $15 late fee.  We will not send out a monthly bill, it is your responsibility to pay your balance.




Why do I pay the same tuition monthly, when there are holiday closings?

Although we do NOT require contracts of any kind, our tuition rates are based on a ten-month (Sept. - June) "Dance Season".   Tuition will be due on the 1st of every month, and is the same amount each month regardless of the number of weekly classes in any particular month. The total cost of the Dance Season is divided into 10 equal monthly tuition payments, regardless of holiday breaks in any particular month.




What if my child wants to stop taking dance?

We make it easy to drop out of a class with a form you can email, snail mail or drop off in the front door mail slot.  As long as we receive a drop-class request form before the beginning of the next month, you will not be charged for the following month and your child will be dropped out of the class.  There are no refunds of unused paid tuition.